My blog is named after my favorite book, Traveling Mercies by Ann Lamott. The book is about the author's journey to becoming a Christian and all the people who walked along side her. Those quiet moments where God speaks to us, whether it's about helping our kid to take more naps or way bigger things like making a life change or forgiving someone who has hurt us are traveling mercies. It can also be a kind word from a friend, a warm drink that takes the chill away or a small kindness from a stranger, but it's those moments where you feel God's presence in big and small ways.
I feel l ike I experienced a bit of traveling mercies this weekend...everything from my husbnds ecouragement, to seven straight hours of sleep last night to kind words from dear friends on this little blog.
The snow is falling outside, my baby is sleeping and my oven just beeped letting me know it's done pre-heating so I'm off to make my next batch of cookies. I am surrounded in traveling mercies.
He is absolutely EDIBLE!
Have a Merry Christmas :o)
Congrats! Thanks for the great post- it made me smile. Love you guys! Great pictures- such a doll!
Such a lovely post.
Of course you guys can come by this weekend!! We would love to see you guys!! Give me a call and let me know when you are thinking would work- maybe we could do dinner-yay!
what a cutie! I've been wondering about the title of your blog - I'm a huge Anne Lamott fan..she just has a way of saying things that make me nod and go "YES!".
Glad he's sleeping better - it's amazing what a night of sleep will do for a mom!
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