Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Picture Post

Since blogging in itself is sort of narcissistic, why not go all the way and post a bunch of pictures of myself? And in true blogging fashion, what would a post be without a blurry picture? First up, a little self portrait at 19 weeks 2 days.

After getting totally frustrated at all my blurry pictures, I just went downstairs and had Aaron take a picture of me.
Oh yeah...I got five inches of my hair cut off! What do you think? Here it is tucked...
And untucked...Also, its a little tour of my house. the blue room is the upstairs bathroom, and this photo is the living room. I've gotten really spoiled with my Nikon d40. The battery was totally dead so I had to whip out my little cannon point and shoot and let me tell you, the Nikon is so much better. I love that camera. I was initially really intimidated by its size and all the options, but nine times out of ten, I use it on the automatic setting and my photos turn out great.

The above photo is my totally hot husband working on our downstairs bathroom/laundry room. I told him I was going to label this photo as "man does construction in the nude." But to be fair, he did have pants on.


Fine For Now said...

You are TOO cute! Really love your hair. And I must say, you take good photos of yourself...I can't do it to save my life.

Ripe for Reading said...

love the 'do!

Ivy Wang said...

You crack me up. This is a very narcissistic post - but in a good way. You look really cute, with the tummy and the hair do. Aaron cracks me up doing shirtless construction. Anyway, congrats.

jessiparkert said...

I wish I could see you! I love your hair, and I am sure you are making all your pregnant friends jealous, cause you are way too cute!! I love you and I think we need a decaf coffee date really soon!