Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Six Week Update

This is a bit of a narcissistic post, so feel free to scroll down to the cute pictures of my son, and skip this one all together.

Back in October I had the opportunity to write a post about my thoughts on fitness and health post partum for a new web site called Bodies in Motivation. My post was published this week (scroll down, it's the second post) and it got me thinking about my goals and it made be do a bit of a gut-check (did you catch the alliteration?).

Yesterday was exactly six weeks post-partum. On some accounts I have done very well. My most favorite pair of jeans became wearable this week and the scale says I have about ten pounds still to lose, from the 35 I was facing on the day of delivery. But it's more than just the number on the scale, to me it's a good time to check in on how I'm doing as a woman, a wife and a friend.

Let's do a bit of a at 40 weeks:

And today...

It really is amazing the body's ability to heal and transform. Just as it blew me away to watch my body grow and deliver a child, I have been almost equally amazed as it has transformed yet again into another version of myself.

I think as women we need to embrace our bodies and be proud of their capabilities. We have the tremendous gift to create and nourish children that no amount of squishy tummies or jiggly thighs should take away from that awesome accomplishment.

Not to say I don't almost daily give into what the world says I should look like. I have shed a few tears over my silver stretch marks and looked discouragingly into my closet at all the clothes that still don't fit. But, I have to remind myself that it's health that's important not a number on the scale.

I'm documenting my transformation...the physical and the emotional. Because I am committed to health -- physically, emotionally and spiritually for myself and my family. I don't think I can mother effectively nor be the woman I know God wants me to be if I don't take seriously all the pieces that make up my life. I know that the healthier I am, the happier and healthier my family will be.

This is sort of a disjointed post, but I am realizing each day that to be an effective mother, one who is calm and joyful and energetic, I have to pay attention to myself as well.

Anyway...just scroll down the my little elf...


Jenny M. said...

You look AMAZING! So great to see you and meet Jackson yesterday!

Hopefully you'll get my link this time, if not it is


xo, Jenny

Ripe for Reading said...

You look fantastic. Thank you for this post. As someone who sees a jiggly stomach but who can also see a woman that's lost most of the weight, your words hit right on the money and I share in the same wants as you.

Happy Holidays!!

Ripe for Reading said...

Another look at your Christmas that a snowman stocking from Pottery Barn Baby? If it is, I just bought Ian a monogrammed one of the Santa stocking!!