Friday, January 4, 2008

I am a Planner

I have a choice to make about my the next few months. Currently, I work for a relatively large social service agency where I manage the marketing, community relations and PR for the agency. When I got out of college a few years ago, my ultimate goal was to be in the place I am now. I always said I wanted to work for something I'm passionate about. And I am passionate about my job; we provide programs and services to underpriveleged children and families, but I'm not crazy about some of the people I work with. If it was just "quirky" people it would be one thing, but its more of a "hostile work enviornment" situation. Thankfully none of it is directed a me, but you never know when the tables could turn.

Getting to the point...
I had a great meeting with a local advertising/marketing agency this morning. They are interested in bringing me on part-time to work as a project coordinator type person doing most of what I do now but just for a variety of different clients. I think it would be a great move, maybe a little boring at times, but intersting and fast paced. It would be the perfect place to work post-baby. I would work closely with a gal I really like and it would offer the flexibility to do part of my hours at the office and part of them at home.

On the other hand, I am invested in the job I have now and my boss has indicated that I can continue to work in some part-time capacity once I have a baby. While I don't get paid as much as I wish I did, I do have great benefits and I know in the next six months or so I will have the opportunity to take on more responsibilities. The major downside is that I don't really trust my boss. She has done some pretty low things in the past year and she's really hot and cold with people.

So...I have choices to make. I don't want to work part-time until after I have a baby which could be anytime between nine or ten months from now and two years. This is where the "planner" in me comes shining through. If I had it my way I would get pregnant either this month or in July resulting in an October or April birth (don't ask me why those seem like good months, they just do) and I would start working part-time regardless of which job I stick with about two months before I deliver. This would give me time to get things done before baby as well as get used to the reduced salary. But, I don't think my life is necessarily going to just work out that way.

It will be interesting to see how things develop over the next few months. On a lighter note, the weekend is here and I couldn't be more relieved. Even though it was a short week, it seemed long. The last two hours of work have been dragging on forever.

I wante to introduce you to Remington...the cutest bestest dog ever.

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