Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mom Gig

I love this boy.

Especially when he's only wearing a diaper and his pudgy rolls are that much more accessible for munching.

We are in sleep-training boot camp around here. Day three and I'm confidant we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Jack just slept nearly two hours in his crib. I think some of this is harder on me than it is him.

I'm leaning more on the Healthy Seep Habits Happy Child philosophy with a dash of Baby Wise thrown in. We are working on naps at 9am, 1pm, a cat nap at 5pm and bedtime at 7-7:30pm. At this point I'm getting a 30 minute nap out of him at 9am, 1 to 2 hour naps in the afternoon, nothing but crying at 5pm and he goes down easily for bed at night. I'm not sure if I'll keep the early evening nap, but at 4 months old, I think he needs it. Any suggestions or reccomendations are welcome...please throw your two cents in.

This mom-gig is so much harder than I ever thought. The sheer weight of responsibility, not just to keep him alive, but to raise him falls heavy on my shoulders. Not because it's too hard or because I don't like it...but because I love this little guy so deeply and with such intensity that I don't want any mistakes made. I don't want to hurt him, mess up or make a choice that leads us down the wrong path.

And I know I will...I already have.

But I look into those beautiful blue eyes and see nothing but infinite potential.

For him and for me.


my3sons said...

What a sweet baby! I also have that sleep book. I would keep the morning and afternoon naps and the bedtime. He may be crying at the other nap because he isn't tired. You could try it and see how it goes. All 3 of my sons took the 2 naps and did great. It is hard because you barely have time to get out of the house in between, but at around a year or so they switch to one long nap after lunch. Good luck!

Chad and Cate Kuhlmann said...

Cute picture, I can't wait to see that chubby baby next week. We did 3 naps probably till about 7 months and every once and a while when she won't take her afternoon nap we have to do a short 30 min nap at 5ish. Naps are important for baby and mommy!